Most of what a Hornet does is air-to-ground. When a loadout reflects this mission focus, it nonetheless typically includes a pair of wingtip-mounted Sidewinders for defensive purposes (however, F/A-18Ds in Desert Storm removed them when the Iraqi air-to-air threat was deemed to be non-existent). Five hardpoints (the four wing-mounted SUU-63s and the centerline) may be devoted to A/G ordnance. These fall into two main categories: unguided ("dumb") and guided ("smart") munitions.
4.3.1 Unguided Munitions
Unguided munitions take the form of Mk 80 series general purpose bombs (GPB), cluster bomb units (CBU) and rockets. The aircraft can employ up to 10/12 general purpose gravity or cluster bombs (on the four/six underwing pylons and centerline station) against a variety of targets from tank formations, naval targets and buildings to bridges, airfields and bunkers. Mk 82/83 GPBs and their derivatives are carried on twin-store vertical ejection racks (VER-2s). Mk 82, 83 and 84 "iron" bombs weigh respectively 500, 1,000 and 2,000 lbs (227, 454 and 909 kg) each.